Our Mission
Launching resilient disciples.
Our Values
These values help guide our church. They are the lens which we view the world through. We focus on four areas to shape and mold followers of Jesus into resilient disciples:
Communion - We believe you were created for relationship with God and with others. Our deepest longings are met by being known by God and a community.
Formation - We are all being shaped by something. Jesus invites us to become like him for the sake of others. Through the ancient practices of Jesus we can be transformed from the inside out.
Calling - God calls all of us, whether big or small, to participate in the kingdom. We believe God uses each of us as tangible expressions of His presence in the city.
Simplicity - Modern life is full of distractions that keep us from what matters. Simplicity emphasizes contentment and allows the Holy Spirit to shape our life rhythms allowing for space in community and the presence of God.
Our Denomination
Communion Church is part of The Christian and Missionary Alliance. You can discover more about our denomination by clicking on the logo below:
Our Statement of Faith
Being a part of The Christian and Missionary Alliance, our Statement of Faith can be found clicking the button below:
Our Statements and Perspectives
Being a part of The Christian and Missionary Alliance, our statements and perspectives to certain topics can be found by clicking the button below: